Houston Flood Help and Resources
A Flash Flood Watch is in effect for the Houston area and all of south central Texas until Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. as severe thunderstorms continue to wreak havoc in the region.
Due to heavy rainfall and baseball-sized hail that has led to widespread flooding throughout the area, city officials are urging residents to stay at home and avoid traveling altogether. Already, more than 100,000 homes and businesses are without power while bus and rail services have been shut down as well.
With some low-laying areas reaching up to 16 inches of rain, schools have also closed. More than 1 million students in Houston area had a weather-related day off Monday due to as much as 16 inches of rain in the area. Additionally, More than 40 districts and universities canceled school as heavy rain and flooding inundated parts of Harris County and threatened nearby areas.
As a result of the intense flooding, damage and causalities have already been reported:
- Two storm-related fatalities have been reported so far, both the result of cars driving into high water. Remember, don’t drown turn around!
- Near Cypress Creek, a stable became flooded as horses struggled to keep above water. Luckily with the help of local rescuers, the horses survived.
- A distraught man was saved by a reporter after he drove his car onto a heavily flooded road. The vehicle was not so lucky.
In any disaster, staying informed and up to date is extremely important for your safety. For additional information on the Houston Floods, including shelter information, flooded bayous and roads, as well closed facilities, click here.
Listening to local weather updates and knowing which roads to avoid during a storm can be the difference between a calm and catastrophic outcome. Additionally, areas experiencing heavy hail should be extra cautious because baseball-sized hail has the potential to cause serious injury. If you or a family member sustains injuries during a disaster, call 911 immediately. Even a modest amount of rainfall or hail can cause a great deal of damage to your home. If your home sustains damage as a result of the severe storms, call 911 Restoration of Houston and we’ll be out right away to come help!
Staying Informed
Keeping an eye and ear out for changes in weather patterns can help you gain crucial time for preparation during high winds. During inclement weather, keep tuned to your local radio and television channels for weather updates.
Listen to NOAA Weather Radio for the latest information on changing weather conditions and approaching storms and visit the National Weather Service website for updates and reports.
Knowing the Signs
Although tornadoes can form and touch down with very little warning, there are a few signs you can look out for that suggest a tornado may be imminent:
- A funnel formation in the clouds
- A dark or green colored sky
- Large, dark, low-laying clouds
- Large hail
- A loud roar that sounds like a freight train
If you see any of these signs, seek shelter immediately!
Finding Shelter
While there is no completely safe place to go during a tornado, finding appropriate shelter is very important. Prior to a storm situation, make an emergency plan with your family so everyone is on the same page when a disaster actually strikes.
When you see the signs of a tornado forming, or receive a tornado warning from your local emergency services, find shelter immediately! If you don’t have a storm shelter or cellar at home, go to an inside room on the lowest floor of your house such as a hallway, bathroom, or closet. Avoid windows! These can be blown in by the strong winds and the flying glass could cause serious injuries to you and your family.
Take cover under anything stable and sturdy, and cover your eyes either with a blanket, towel, or your hands to keep flying debris away.
If you’re caught outdoors during a tornado and there is no available indoor shelter, avoid areas with lots of trees. Take cover under something sturdy and be sure to protect your head and neck.
For more information on finding and building shelter for a tornado, visit the tornadoes page on Ready.Gov.
Flood Tips
Storms, rainfall, and high winds often go hand and hand. Because of this, flooding is often found in areas with severe weather. If your home or neighborhood experiences a flood, follow these tips:
- Safety First – Floods are dangerous and can result in death so the best tip we can give you is to always put the safety of you and your family first. If your home floods, move to higher ground and avoid areas subject to flooding. If you have a top floor or attic, relocate your family there.
- Avoid Roads – If possible, avoid driving altogether during a flood emergency. When flash floods occur they strike quickly, leading to collapsed bridges, downed trees and power lines, and roadways completely submerged in water. If you’re caught in your vehicle during a flood, avoid flooded roadways and look for higher ground in the event of rising water.
- Stay Updated – If you’re in an area experiencing heavy flooding, listen to a battery-operated radio for weather and storm updates. If you don’t own a radio, check weather reports on your cell phone, laptop, or television newscast. The website www.weather.gov is a great place to start.
- Protect Valuables – This includes both personal possessions as well as the home itself. Move furniture, valuables, and important documents like insurance information to a higher level in your home, such as a top floor or an attic. Additionally, shut off the main power supply, unplug electronics if safe to do so, and move hazardous materials to higher ground.
Additional Resources
Storm warnings and information: